
Naturopathy is a system of health promotion based on the principle that the body naturally seeks to heal itself. Symptoms of illness represent the body trying to heal.The task for the Naturopath then becomes to discover any impediments there may be to the healing process and recovery. When there are hindrances to healing the body does not recover but remains in ill health.

The broad categories that we use to evaluate the bodies healing mechanism are the digestive, immune, inflammatory, eliminatory and regulatory (hormones) systems.

The principle tools of investigation are a detailed case history and a diet dairy analysis. We use these to then prescribe dietary changes, supplement advice, life style and exercise advice. There may also be structural impediments to healing and as osteopaths we will also correct these.

Some of the conditions where we use a naturopathic approach include:

Abdominal discomfort          Asthma           Candida

Circulatory problems          Chronic infections          Eczema

IBS         Low energy          Rashes         Sinusitis